

What is IoT?

Update time : 2023-06-07 18:01:39

IoT, the Internet of things (Internet of things), is the Internet where everything is connected. The Internet of Things is essentially the Internet. It is a network extended and expanded on the basis of the Internet. It combines various information sensing devices through the network to realize the interconnection of people, machines, and things at any time and any place.

The Internet of Things is also called Pan-Internet in the IT industry, that is, the Internet of Everything. The true definition of the Internet of Things is to connect various items with the Internet and exchange data through radio frequency identification, infrared sensors, global positioning systems, laser scanners and other information sensing devices according to the agreed protocol, so as to realize the monitoring of items. intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management of.


The Internet of Things was first proposed by Bill Gates, President of Microsoft. Bill Gates mentioned in his book "The Road to the Future" in 1995 that the future network is not limited to computers and portable devices, and may also include objects, that is, the concept of the Internet of Things. The realization of the Internet of Things involves many technologies, among which the key technologies include radio frequency identification technology, sensor network, M2M system framework, and cloud computing. The following is only a brief introduction to radio frequency identification technology and cloud computing:

Cloud computing is the aggregation of multiple relatively low-cost computing entities into a multi-super virtual computer with powerful computing capabilities through the network. With the help of cloud computing, users can simplify their terminals into a simple input and output device, and then enjoy the powerful processing capabilities of "cloud supercomputers" according to their needs. Since the Internet of Things perception network obtains a large amount of data information, after the information is transmitted to the network, it enters the cloud platform, and then the cloud supercomputer performs nanosecond-level processing to build a real real-time Internet of Things world.


The application field of the Internet of Things involves all aspects of life, such as intelligent transportation ECT, smart home. Especially the intelligent transportation ECT, which can be physically sensed to the end of the Internet of Things at present. Compared with the old parking card, handing in the card can be done, and the non-parking fee is much faster and more convenient. There is also smart home, the current application is not particularly popular, mainly because the cost of smart home is relatively high, and secondly, the demand in this area is not very strong. When the entire society is discussing the Internet of Things, smart homes will be standard at that time.

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